Direktori : /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/cloudinit/config/ |
Current File : //usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/cloudinit/config/cc_puppet.py |
# Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Canonical Ltd. # Copyright (C) 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # # Author: Scott Moser <scott.moser@canonical.com> # Author: Juerg Haefliger <juerg.haefliger@hp.com> # # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information. """Puppet: Install, configure and start puppet""" import logging import os import socket from contextlib import suppress from io import StringIO from textwrap import dedent from typing import List, Union import yaml from cloudinit import helpers, subp, temp_utils, url_helper, util from cloudinit.cloud import Cloud from cloudinit.config import Config from cloudinit.config.schema import MetaSchema, get_meta_doc from cloudinit.distros import ALL_DISTROS, Distro, PackageInstallerError from cloudinit.settings import PER_INSTANCE AIO_INSTALL_URL = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/puppetlabs/install-puppet/main/install.sh" # noqa: E501 PUPPET_AGENT_DEFAULT_ARGS = ["--test"] PUPPET_PACKAGE_NAMES = ("puppet-agent", "puppet") MODULE_DESCRIPTION = """\ This module handles puppet installation and configuration. If the ``puppet`` key does not exist in global configuration, no action will be taken. If a config entry for ``puppet`` is present, then by default the latest version of puppet will be installed. If the ``puppet`` config key exists in the config archive, this module will attempt to start puppet even if no installation was performed. The module also provides keys for configuring the new puppet 4 paths and installing the puppet package from the puppetlabs repositories: https://docs.puppet.com/puppet/4.2/reference/whered_it_go.html The keys are ``package_name``, ``conf_file``, ``ssl_dir`` and ``csr_attributes_path``. If unset, their values will default to ones that work with puppet 3.x and with distributions that ship modified puppet 4.x that uses the old paths. """ meta: MetaSchema = { "id": "cc_puppet", "name": "Puppet", "title": "Install, configure and start puppet", "description": MODULE_DESCRIPTION, "distros": [ALL_DISTROS], "frequency": PER_INSTANCE, "examples": [ dedent( """\ puppet: install: true version: "7.7.0" install_type: "aio" collection: "puppet7" aio_install_url: 'https://git.io/JBhoQ' cleanup: true conf_file: "/etc/puppet/puppet.conf" ssl_dir: "/var/lib/puppet/ssl" csr_attributes_path: "/etc/puppet/csr_attributes.yaml" exec: true exec_args: ['--test'] conf: agent: server: "puppetserver.example.org" certname: "%i.%f" ca_cert: | -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIICCTCCAXKgAwIBAgIBATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFADANMQswCQYDVQQDDAJjYTAe Fw0xMDAyMTUxNzI5MjFaFw0xNTAyMTQxNzI5MjFaMA0xCzAJBgNVBAMMAmNhMIGf MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCu7Q40sm47/E1Pf+r8AYb/V/FWGPgc b014OmNoX7dgCxTDvps/h8Vw555PdAFsW5+QhsGr31IJNI3kSYprFQcYf7A8tNWu 1MASW2CfaEiOEi9F1R3R4Qlz4ix+iNoHiUDTjazw/tZwEdxaQXQVLwgTGRwVa+aA qbutJKi93MILLwIDAQABo3kwdzA4BglghkgBhvhCAQ0EKxYpUHVwcGV0IFJ1Ynkv T3BlblNTTCBHZW5lcmF0ZWQgQ2VydGlmaWNhdGUwDwYDVR0TAQH/BAUwAwEB/zAd BgNVHQ4EFgQUu4+jHB+GYE5Vxo+ol1OAhevspjAwCwYDVR0PBAQDAgEGMA0GCSqG SIb3DQEBBQUAA4GBAH/rxlUIjwNb3n7TXJcDJ6MMHUlwjr03BDJXKb34Ulndkpaf +GAlzPXWa7bO908M9I8RnPfvtKnteLbvgTK+h+zX1XCty+S2EQWk29i2AdoqOTxb hppiGMp0tT5Havu4aceCXiy2crVcudj3NFciy8X66SoECemW9UYDCb9T5D0d -----END CERTIFICATE----- csr_attributes: custom_attributes: 1.2.840.113549.1.9.7: 342thbjkt82094y0uthhor289jnqthpc2290 extension_requests: pp_uuid: ED803750-E3C7-44F5-BB08-41A04433FE2E pp_image_name: my_ami_image pp_preshared_key: 342thbjkt82094y0uthhor289jnqthpc2290 """ # noqa: E501 ), dedent( """\ puppet: install_type: "packages" package_name: "puppet" exec: false """ ), ], "activate_by_schema_keys": ["puppet"], } __doc__ = get_meta_doc(meta) LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class PuppetConstants: def __init__( self, puppet_conf_file, puppet_ssl_dir, csr_attributes_path, ): self.conf_path = puppet_conf_file self.ssl_dir = puppet_ssl_dir self.ssl_cert_dir = os.path.join(puppet_ssl_dir, "certs") self.ssl_cert_path = os.path.join(self.ssl_cert_dir, "ca.pem") self.csr_attributes_path = csr_attributes_path def _manage_puppet_services(cloud: Cloud, action: str): """Attempts to perform action on one of the puppet services""" service_managed: str = "" for puppet_name in PUPPET_PACKAGE_NAMES: try: cloud.distro.manage_service(action, f"{puppet_name}.service") service_managed = puppet_name break except subp.ProcessExecutionError: pass if not service_managed: LOG.warning( "Could not '%s' any of the following services: %s", action, ", ".join(PUPPET_PACKAGE_NAMES), ) def get_config_value(puppet_bin, setting): """Get the config value for a given setting using `puppet config print` :param puppet_bin: path to puppet binary :param setting: setting to query """ out, _ = subp.subp([puppet_bin, "config", "print", setting]) return out.rstrip() def install_puppet_aio( distro: Distro, url=AIO_INSTALL_URL, version=None, collection=None, cleanup=True, ): """Install puppet-agent from the puppetlabs repositories using the one-shot shell script :param distro: Instance of Distro :param url: URL from where to download the install script :param version: version to install, blank defaults to latest :param collection: collection to install, blank defaults to latest :param cleanup: whether to purge the puppetlabs repo after installation """ args = [] if version is not None: args = ["-v", version] if collection is not None: args += ["-c", collection] # Purge puppetlabs repos after installation if cleanup: args += ["--cleanup"] content = url_helper.readurl(url=url, retries=5).contents # Use tmpdir over tmpfile to avoid 'text file busy' on execute with temp_utils.tempdir( dir=distro.get_tmp_exec_path(), needs_exe=True ) as tmpd: tmpf = os.path.join(tmpd, "puppet-install") util.write_file(tmpf, content, mode=0o700) return subp.subp([tmpf] + args, capture=False) def handle(name: str, cfg: Config, cloud: Cloud, args: list) -> None: # If there isn't a puppet key in the configuration don't do anything if "puppet" not in cfg: LOG.debug( "Skipping module named %s, no 'puppet' configuration found", name ) return puppet_cfg = cfg["puppet"] # Start by installing the puppet package if necessary... install = util.get_cfg_option_bool(puppet_cfg, "install", True) version = util.get_cfg_option_str(puppet_cfg, "version", None) collection = util.get_cfg_option_str(puppet_cfg, "collection", None) install_type = util.get_cfg_option_str( puppet_cfg, "install_type", "packages" ) cleanup = util.get_cfg_option_bool(puppet_cfg, "cleanup", True) run = util.get_cfg_option_bool(puppet_cfg, "exec", default=False) start_puppetd = util.get_cfg_option_bool( puppet_cfg, "start_service", default=True ) aio_install_url = util.get_cfg_option_str( puppet_cfg, "aio_install_url", default=AIO_INSTALL_URL ) # AIO and distro packages use different paths if install_type == "aio": puppet_user = "root" puppet_bin = "/opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet" puppet_package = "puppet-agent" else: # default to 'packages' puppet_user = "puppet" puppet_bin = "puppet" puppet_package = None # changes with distro package_name = util.get_cfg_option_str( puppet_cfg, "package_name", puppet_package ) if not install and version: LOG.warning( "Puppet install set to false but version supplied, doing nothing." ) elif install: LOG.debug( "Attempting to install puppet %s from %s", version if version else "latest", install_type, ) if install_type == "packages": to_install: List[Union[str, List[str]]] if package_name is None: # conf has no package_nam for puppet_name in PUPPET_PACKAGE_NAMES: with suppress(PackageInstallerError): to_install = ( [[puppet_name, version]] if version else [puppet_name] ) cloud.distro.install_packages(to_install) package_name = puppet_name break if not package_name: LOG.warning( "No installable puppet package in any of: %s", ", ".join(PUPPET_PACKAGE_NAMES), ) else: to_install = ( [[package_name, version]] if version else [package_name] ) cloud.distro.install_packages(to_install) elif install_type == "aio": install_puppet_aio( cloud.distro, aio_install_url, version, collection, cleanup ) else: LOG.warning("Unknown puppet install type '%s'", install_type) run = False conf_file = util.get_cfg_option_str( puppet_cfg, "conf_file", get_config_value(puppet_bin, "config") ) ssl_dir = util.get_cfg_option_str( puppet_cfg, "ssl_dir", get_config_value(puppet_bin, "ssldir") ) csr_attributes_path = util.get_cfg_option_str( puppet_cfg, "csr_attributes_path", get_config_value(puppet_bin, "csr_attributes"), ) p_constants = PuppetConstants(conf_file, ssl_dir, csr_attributes_path) # ... and then update the puppet configuration if "conf" in puppet_cfg: # Add all sections from the conf object to puppet.conf contents = util.load_file(p_constants.conf_path) # Create object for reading puppet.conf values puppet_config = helpers.DefaultingConfigParser() # Read puppet.conf values from original file in order to be able to # mix the rest up. First clean them up # (TODO(harlowja) is this really needed??) cleaned_lines = [i.lstrip() for i in contents.splitlines()] cleaned_contents = "\n".join(cleaned_lines) puppet_config.read_file( StringIO(cleaned_contents), source=p_constants.conf_path ) for cfg_name, cfg in puppet_cfg["conf"].items(): # Cert configuration is a special case # Dump the puppetserver ca certificate in the correct place if cfg_name == "ca_cert": # Puppet ssl sub-directory isn't created yet # Create it with the proper permissions and ownership util.ensure_dir(p_constants.ssl_dir, 0o771) util.chownbyname(p_constants.ssl_dir, puppet_user, "root") util.ensure_dir(p_constants.ssl_cert_dir) util.chownbyname(p_constants.ssl_cert_dir, puppet_user, "root") util.write_file(p_constants.ssl_cert_path, cfg) util.chownbyname( p_constants.ssl_cert_path, puppet_user, "root" ) else: # Iterate through the config items, we'll use ConfigParser.set # to overwrite or create new items as needed for o, v in cfg.items(): if o == "certname": # Expand %f as the fqdn # TODO(harlowja) should this use the cloud fqdn?? v = v.replace("%f", socket.getfqdn()) # Expand %i as the instance id v = v.replace("%i", cloud.get_instance_id()) # certname needs to be downcased v = v.lower() puppet_config.set(cfg_name, o, v) # We got all our config as wanted we'll rename # the previous puppet.conf and create our new one util.rename( p_constants.conf_path, "%s.old" % (p_constants.conf_path) ) util.write_file(p_constants.conf_path, puppet_config.stringify()) if "csr_attributes" in puppet_cfg: util.write_file( p_constants.csr_attributes_path, yaml.dump(puppet_cfg["csr_attributes"], default_flow_style=False), ) if start_puppetd: # Enables the services _manage_puppet_services(cloud, "enable") # Run the agent if needed if run: LOG.debug("Running puppet-agent") cmd = [puppet_bin, "agent"] if "exec_args" in puppet_cfg: cmd_args = puppet_cfg["exec_args"] if isinstance(cmd_args, (list, tuple)): cmd.extend(cmd_args) elif isinstance(cmd_args, str): cmd.extend(cmd_args.split()) else: LOG.warning( "Unknown type %s provided for puppet" " 'exec_args' expected list, tuple," " or string", type(cmd_args), ) cmd.extend(PUPPET_AGENT_DEFAULT_ARGS) else: cmd.extend(PUPPET_AGENT_DEFAULT_ARGS) subp.subp(cmd, capture=False) if start_puppetd: # Start puppetd _manage_puppet_services(cloud, "start")