Direktori : /home1/indocan/public_html/assets/js/ |
Current File : //home1/indocan/public_html/assets/js/script.js |
(function($) { "use strict"; //Hide Loading Box (Preloader) function handlePreloader() { if($('.loader-wrap').length){ $('.loader-wrap').delay(1000).fadeOut(500); } } if ($(".preloader-close").length) { $(".preloader-close").on("click", function(){ $('.loader-wrap').delay(200).fadeOut(500); }) } //Update Header Style and Scroll to Top function headerStyle() { if($('.main-header').length){ var windowpos = $(window).scrollTop(); var siteHeader = $('.main-header'); var scrollLink = $('.scroll-top'); if (windowpos >= 110) { siteHeader.addClass('fixed-header'); scrollLink.addClass('open'); } else { siteHeader.removeClass('fixed-header'); scrollLink.removeClass('open'); } } } headerStyle(); //Submenu Dropdown Toggle if($('.main-header li.dropdown ul').length){ $('.main-header .navigation li.dropdown').append('<div class="dropdown-btn"><span class="fas fa-angle-down"></span></div>'); } //Mobile Nav Hide Show if($('.mobile-menu').length){ $('.mobile-menu .menu-box').mCustomScrollbar(); var mobileMenuContent = $('.main-header .menu-area .main-menu').html(); $('.mobile-menu .menu-box .menu-outer').append(mobileMenuContent); $('.sticky-header .main-menu').append(mobileMenuContent); //Dropdown Button $('.mobile-menu li.dropdown .dropdown-btn').on('click', function() { $(this).toggleClass('open'); $(this).prev('ul').slideToggle(500); }); //Dropdown Button $('.mobile-menu li.dropdown .dropdown-btn').on('click', function() { $(this).prev('.megamenu').slideToggle(900); }); //Menu Toggle Btn $('.mobile-nav-toggler').on('click', function() { $('body').addClass('mobile-menu-visible'); }); //Menu Toggle Btn $('.mobile-menu .menu-backdrop,.mobile-menu .close-btn').on('click', function() { $('body').removeClass('mobile-menu-visible'); }); } // Scroll to a Specific Div if($('.scroll-to-target').length){ $(".scroll-to-target").on('click', function() { var target = $(this).attr('data-target'); // animate $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $(target).offset().top }, 1000); }); } // Elements Animation if($('.wow').length){ var wow = new WOW({ mobile: false }); wow.init(); } //Contact Form Validation if($('#contact-form').length){ $('#contact-form').validate({ rules: { username: { required: true }, email: { required: true, email: true }, phone: { required: true }, subject: { required: true }, message: { required: true } } }); } //Fact Counter + Text Count if($('.count-box').length){ $('.count-box').appear(function(){ var $t = $(this), n = $t.find(".count-text").attr("data-stop"), r = parseInt($t.find(".count-text").attr("data-speed"), 10); if (!$t.hasClass("counted")) { $t.addClass("counted"); $({ countNum: $t.find(".count-text").text() }).animate({ countNum: n }, { duration: r, easing: "linear", step: function() { $t.find(".count-text").text(Math.floor(this.countNum)); }, complete: function() { $t.find(".count-text").text(this.countNum); } }); } },{accY: 0}); } //LightBox / Fancybox if($('.lightbox-image').length) { $('.lightbox-image').fancybox({ openEffect : 'fade', closeEffect : 'fade', helpers : { media : {} } }); } //Tabs Box if($('.tabs-box').length){ $('.tabs-box .tab-buttons .tab-btn').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var target = $($(this).attr('data-tab')); if ($(target).is(':visible')){ return false; }else{ target.parents('.tabs-box').find('.tab-buttons').find('.tab-btn').removeClass('active-btn'); $(this).addClass('active-btn'); target.parents('.tabs-box').find('.tabs-content').find('.tab').fadeOut(0); target.parents('.tabs-box').find('.tabs-content').find('.tab').removeClass('active-tab'); $(target).fadeIn(300); $(target).addClass('active-tab'); } }); } //Pricing Tabs if($('.pricing-tabs').length){ $('.pricing-tabs .tab-btns .tab-btn').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var target = $($(this).attr('data-tab')); if ($(target).hasClass('actve-tab')){ return false; }else{ $('.pricing-tabs .tab-btns .tab-btn').removeClass('active-btn'); $(this).addClass('active-btn'); $('.pricing-tabs .pr-content .pr-tab').removeClass('active-tab'); $(target).addClass('active-tab'); } }); } //Accordion Box if($('.accordion-box').length){ $(".accordion-box").on('click', '.acc-btn', function() { var outerBox = $(this).parents('.accordion-box'); var target = $(this).parents('.accordion'); if($(this).hasClass('active')!==true){ $(outerBox).find('.accordion .acc-btn').removeClass('active'); } if ($(this).next('.acc-content').is(':visible')){ return false; }else{ $(this).addClass('active'); $(outerBox).children('.accordion').removeClass('active-block'); $(outerBox).find('.accordion').children('.acc-content').slideUp(300); target.addClass('active-block'); $(this).next('.acc-content').slideDown(300); } }); } // banner-carousel if ($('.banner-carousel').length) { $('.banner-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop:true, margin:0, nav:true, animateOut: 'fadeOut', animateIn: 'fadeIn', active: true, smartSpeed: 1000, autoplay: 6000, navText: [ '<span class="far fa-angle-left"></span>', '<span class="far fa-angle-right"></span>' ], responsive:{ 0:{ items:1 }, 600:{ items:1 }, 800:{ items:1 }, 1024:{ items:1 } } }); } // news-carousel if ($('.news-carousel').length) { $('.news-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop:true, margin:30, nav:true, animateOut: 'fadeOut', animateIn: 'fadeIn', active: true, smartSpeed: 1000, autoplay: 6000, navText: [ '<span class="far fa-angle-left"></span>', '<span class="far fa-angle-right"></span>' ], responsive:{ 0:{ items:1 }, 600:{ items:1 }, 800:{ items:1 }, 1024:{ items:1 } } }); } //two-column-carousel if ($('.two-column-carousel').length) { $('.two-column-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop:true, margin:30, nav:true, smartSpeed: 1000, autoplay: 500, navText: [ '<span class="fas fa-algle-left"></span>', '<span class="fas fa-algle-left-right"></span>' ], responsive:{ 0:{ items:1 }, 480:{ items:1 }, 600:{ items:1 }, 800:{ items:2 }, 1024:{ items:2 } } }); } //three-item-carousel if ($('.three-item-carousel').length) { $('.three-item-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop:true, margin:30, nav:true, smartSpeed: 500, autoplay: 1000, navText: [ '<span class="far fa-angle-left"></span>', '<span class="far fa-angle-right"></span>' ], responsive:{ 0:{ items:1 }, 480:{ items:1 }, 600:{ items:2 }, 800:{ items:2 }, 1024:{ items:3 } } }); } //why-us-carousel if ($('.why-us-carousel').length) { $('.why-us-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop:true, margin:30, nav:true, smartSpeed: 500, autoplay: 1000, navText: [ '<span class="far fa-angle-left"></span>', '<span class="far fa-angle-right"></span>' ], responsive:{ 0:{ items:1 }, 480:{ items:1 }, 600:{ items:2 }, 800:{ items:4 }, 1024:{ items:4 } } }); } // Four Item Carousel if ($('.four-item-carousel').length) { $('.four-item-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop:true, margin:30, nav:true, smartSpeed: 500, autoplay: 5000, navText: [ '<span class="far fa-angle-left"></span>', '<span class="far fa-angle-right"></span>' ], responsive:{ 0:{ items:1 }, 600:{ items:2 }, 800:{ items:2 }, 1024:{ items:3 }, 1200:{ items:4 } } }); } // Four Item Carousel if ($('.country-carousel').length) { $('.country-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop:true, margin:30, nav:true, smartSpeed: 500, autoplay: 5000, navText: [ '<span class="far fa-angle-left"></span>', '<span class="far fa-angle-right"></span>' ], responsive:{ 0:{ items:2 }, 600:{ items:3 }, 800:{ items:4 }, 1024:{ items:4 }, 1200:{ items:5 } } }); } // Five Item Carousel if ($('.five-item-carousel').length) { $('.five-item-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop:true, margin:30, nav:true, smartSpeed: 500, autoplay: 5000, navText: [ '<span class="fas fa-angle-left"></span>', '<span class="fas fa-angle-right"></span>' ], responsive:{ 0:{ items:1 }, 600:{ items:2 }, 800:{ items:3 }, 1024:{ items:4 }, 1200:{ items:5 } } }); } // single-item-carousel if ($('.single-item-carousel').length) { $('.single-item-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop:true, margin:30, nav:false, smartSpeed: 500, autoplay: 1000, navText: [ '<span class="fal fa-angle-left"></span>', '<span class="fal fa-angle-right"></span>' ], responsive:{ 0:{ items:1 }, 480:{ items:1 }, 600:{ items:1 }, 800:{ items:1 }, 1200:{ items:1 } } }); } // two-item-carousel if ($('.two-item-carousel').length) { $('.two-item-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop:true, margin:30, nav:false, smartSpeed: 500, autoplay: 1000, navText: [ '<span class="fal fa-angle-left"></span>', '<span class="fal fa-angle-right"></span>' ], responsive:{ 0:{ items:1 }, 480:{ items:1 }, 600:{ items:1 }, 800:{ items:2 }, 1200:{ items:2 } } }); } // gallery-carousel if ($('.gallery-carousel').length) { $('.gallery-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop:true, margin:0, nav:false, smartSpeed: 500, autoplay: 1000, navText: [ '<span class="fal fa-angle-left"></span>', '<span class="fal fa-angle-right"></span>' ], responsive:{ 0:{ items:1 }, 480:{ items:2 }, 600:{ items:3 }, 800:{ items:4 }, 1200:{ items:5 } } }); } // clients-carousel if ($('.clients-carousel').length) { $('.clients-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop:true, margin:0, nav:false, smartSpeed: 3000, autoplay: true, navText: [ '<span class="far fa-angle-left"></span>', '<span class="far fa-angle-right"></span>' ], responsive:{ 0:{ items:1 }, 480:{ items:2 }, 600:{ items:3 }, 800:{ items:4 }, 1200:{ items:6 } } }); } //Add One Page nav if($('.scroll-nav').length) { $('.scroll-nav').onePageNav(); } //Sortable Masonary with Filters function enableMasonry() { if($('.sortable-masonry').length){ var winDow = $(window); // Needed variables var $container=$('.sortable-masonry .items-container'); var $filter=$('.filter-btns'); $container.isotope({ filter:'*', masonry: { columnWidth : '.masonry-item.small-column' }, animationOptions:{ duration:500, easing:'linear' } }); // Isotope Filter $filter.find('li').on('click', function(){ var selector = $(this).attr('data-filter'); try { $container.isotope({ filter : selector, animationOptions: { duration: 500, easing : 'linear', queue : false } }); } catch(err) { } return false; }); winDow.on('resize', function(){ var selector = $filter.find('li.active').attr('data-filter'); $container.isotope({ filter : selector, animationOptions: { duration: 500, easing : 'linear', queue : false } }); }); var filterItemA = $('.filter-btns li'); filterItemA.on('click', function(){ var $this = $(this); if ( !$this.hasClass('active')) { filterItemA.removeClass('active'); $this.addClass('active'); } }); } } enableMasonry(); //Product Tabs if($('.project-tab').length){ $('.project-tab .product-tab-btns .p-tab-btn').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var target = $($(this).attr('data-tab')); if ($(target).hasClass('actve-tab')){ return false; }else{ $('.project-tab .product-tab-btns .p-tab-btn').removeClass('active-btn'); $(this).addClass('active-btn'); $('.project-tab .p-tabs-content .p-tab').removeClass('active-tab'); $(target).addClass('active-tab'); } }); } // Progress Bar if ($('.count-bar').length) { $('.count-bar').appear(function(){ var el = $(this); var percent = el.data('percent'); $(el).css('width',percent).addClass('counted'); },{accY: -50}); } // page direction function directionswitch() { if ($('.page_direction').length) { $('.direction_switch button').on('click', function() { $('body').toggleClass(function(){ return $(this).is('.rtl, .ltr') ? 'rtl ltr' : 'rtl'; }) }); }; } //nice select $(document).ready(function() { $('select:not(.ignore)').niceSelect(); }); if($('.curved-circle').length) { $('.curved-circle').circleType({position: 'absolute', dir: 1, radius: 74, forceHeight: true, forceWidth: true}); } if($('.curved-circle-2').length) { $('.curved-circle-2').circleType({position: 'absolute', dir: 1, radius: 62, forceHeight: true, forceWidth: true}); } // 6 pieChart RoundCircle function expertizeRoundCircle () { var rounderContainer = $('.piechart'); if (rounderContainer.length) { rounderContainer.each(function () { var Self = $(this); var value = Self.data('value'); var size = Self.parent().width(); var color = Self.data('fg-color'); Self.find('span').each(function () { var expertCount = $(this); expertCount.appear(function () { expertCount.countTo({ from: 1, to: value*100, speed: 3000 }); }); }); Self.appear(function () { Self.circleProgress({ value: value, size: 140, thickness: 5, emptyFill: '#ecebeb', animation: { duration: 3000 }, fill: { color: color } }); }); }); }; } /* ========================================================================= When document is Scrollig, do ========================================================================== */ jQuery(document).on('ready', function () { (function ($) { // add your functions directionswitch(); })(jQuery); }); /* ========================================================================== When document is Scrollig, do ========================================================================== */ $(window).on('scroll', function() { headerStyle(); }); /* ========================================================================== When document is loaded, do ========================================================================== */ $(window).on('load', function() { handlePreloader(); enableMasonry(); expertizeRoundCircle (); }); })(window.jQuery);