Direktori : /home1/indocan/public_html/assets/js/ |
Current File : //home1/indocan/public_html/assets/js/circle-progress.js |
/* jquery-circle-progress - jQuery Plugin to draw animated circular progress bars URL: http://kottenator.github.io/jquery-circle-progress/ Author: Rostyslav Bryzgunov <kottenator@gmail.com> Version: 1.1.3 License: MIT */ (function($) { function CircleProgress(config) { this.init(config); } CircleProgress.prototype = { //----------------------------------------------- public options ----------------------------------------------- /** * This is the only required option. It should be from 0.0 to 1.0 * @type {number} */ value: 0.0, /** * Size of the circle / canvas in pixels * @type {number} */ size: 100.0, /** * Initial angle for 0.0 value in radians * @type {number} */ startAngle: -Math.PI, /** * Width of the arc. By default it's auto-calculated as 1/14 of size, but you may set it explicitly in pixels * @type {number|string} */ thickness: 'auto', /** * Fill of the arc. You may set it to: * - solid color: * - { color: '#3aeabb' } * - { color: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, .3)' } * - linear gradient (left to right): * - { gradient: ['#3aeabb', '#fdd250'], gradientAngle: Math.PI / 4 } * - { gradient: ['red', 'green', 'blue'], gradientDirection: [x0, y0, x1, y1] } * - image: * - { image: 'http://i.imgur.com/pT0i89v.png' } * - { image: imageObject } * - { color: 'lime', image: 'http://i.imgur.com/pT0i89v.png' } - color displayed until the image is loaded */ fill: { gradient: ['#3aeabb', '#fdd250'] }, /** * Color of the "empty" arc. Only a color fill supported by now * @type {string} */ emptyFill: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, .1)', /** * Animation config (see jQuery animations: http://api.jquery.com/animate/) */ animation: { duration: 1200, easing: 'circleProgressEasing' }, /** * Default animation starts at 0.0 and ends at specified `value`. Let's call this direct animation. * If you want to make reversed animation then you should set `animationStartValue` to 1.0. * Also you may specify any other value from 0.0 to 1.0 * @type {number} */ animationStartValue: 0.0, /** * Reverse animation and arc draw * @type {boolean} */ reverse: false, /** * Arc line cap ('butt', 'round' or 'square') * Read more: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/CanvasRenderingContext2D.lineCap * @type {string} */ lineCap: 'butt', //-------------------------------------- protected properties and methods -------------------------------------- /** * @protected */ constructor: CircleProgress, /** * Container element. Should be passed into constructor config * @protected * @type {jQuery} */ el: null, /** * Canvas element. Automatically generated and prepended to the {@link CircleProgress.el container} * @protected * @type {HTMLCanvasElement} */ canvas: null, /** * 2D-context of the {@link CircleProgress.canvas canvas} * @protected * @type {CanvasRenderingContext2D} */ ctx: null, /** * Radius of the outer circle. Automatically calculated as {@link CircleProgress.size} / 2 * @protected * @type {number} */ radius: 0.0, /** * Fill of the main arc. Automatically calculated, depending on {@link CircleProgress.fill} option * @protected * @type {string|CanvasGradient|CanvasPattern} */ arcFill: null, /** * Last rendered frame value * @protected * @type {number} */ lastFrameValue: 0.0, /** * Init/re-init the widget * @param {object} config - Config */ init: function(config) { $.extend(this, config); this.radius = this.size / 2; this.initWidget(); this.initFill(); this.draw(); }, /** * @protected */ initWidget: function() { var canvas = this.canvas = this.canvas || $('<canvas>').prependTo(this.el)[0]; canvas.width = this.size; canvas.height = this.size; this.ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); }, /** * This method sets {@link CircleProgress.arcFill} * It could do this async (on image load) * @protected */ initFill: function() { var self = this, fill = this.fill, ctx = this.ctx, size = this.size; if (!fill) throw Error("The fill is not specified!"); if (fill.color) this.arcFill = fill.color; if (fill.gradient) { var gr = fill.gradient; if (gr.length == 1) { this.arcFill = gr[0]; } else if (gr.length > 1) { var ga = fill.gradientAngle || 0, // gradient direction angle; 0 by default gd = fill.gradientDirection || [ size / 2 * (1 - Math.cos(ga)), // x0 size / 2 * (1 + Math.sin(ga)), // y0 size / 2 * (1 + Math.cos(ga)), // x1 size / 2 * (1 - Math.sin(ga)) // y1 ]; var lg = ctx.createLinearGradient.apply(ctx, gd); for (var i = 0; i < gr.length; i++) { var color = gr[i], pos = i / (gr.length - 1); if ($.isArray(color)) { pos = color[1]; color = color[0]; } lg.addColorStop(pos, color); } this.arcFill = lg; } } if (fill.image) { var img; if (fill.image instanceof Image) { img = fill.image; } else { img = new Image(); img.src = fill.image; } if (img.complete) setImageFill(); else img.onload = setImageFill; } function setImageFill() { var bg = $('<canvas>')[0]; bg.width = self.size; bg.height = self.size; bg.getContext('2d').drawImage(img, 0, 0, size, size); self.arcFill = self.ctx.createPattern(bg, 'no-repeat'); self.drawFrame(self.lastFrameValue); } }, draw: function() { if (this.animation) this.drawAnimated(this.value); else this.drawFrame(this.value); }, /** * @protected * @param {number} v - Frame value */ drawFrame: function(v) { this.lastFrameValue = v; this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.size, this.size); this.drawEmptyArc(v); this.drawArc(v); }, /** * @protected * @param {number} v - Frame value */ drawArc: function(v) { var ctx = this.ctx, r = this.radius, t = this.getThickness(), a = this.startAngle; ctx.save(); ctx.beginPath(); if (!this.reverse) { ctx.arc(r, r, r - t / 2, a, a + Math.PI * 2 * v); } else { ctx.arc(r, r, r - t / 2, a - Math.PI * 2 * v, a); } ctx.lineWidth = t; ctx.lineCap = this.lineCap; ctx.strokeStyle = this.arcFill; ctx.stroke(); ctx.restore(); }, /** * @protected * @param {number} v - Frame value */ drawEmptyArc: function(v) { var ctx = this.ctx, r = this.radius, t = this.getThickness(), a = this.startAngle; if (v < 1) { ctx.save(); ctx.beginPath(); if (v <= 0) { ctx.arc(r, r, r - t / 2, 0, Math.PI * 2); } else { if (!this.reverse) { ctx.arc(r, r, r - t / 2, a + Math.PI * 2 * v, a); } else { ctx.arc(r, r, r - t / 2, a, a - Math.PI * 2 * v); } } ctx.lineWidth = t; ctx.strokeStyle = this.emptyFill; ctx.stroke(); ctx.restore(); } }, /** * @protected * @param {number} v - Value */ drawAnimated: function(v) { var self = this, el = this.el, canvas = $(this.canvas); // stop previous animation before new "start" event is triggered canvas.stop(true, false); el.trigger('circle-animation-start'); canvas .css({ animationProgress: 0 }) .animate({ animationProgress: 1 }, $.extend({}, this.animation, { step: function (animationProgress) { var stepValue = self.animationStartValue * (1 - animationProgress) + v * animationProgress; self.drawFrame(stepValue); el.trigger('circle-animation-progress', [animationProgress, stepValue]); } })) .promise() .always(function() { // trigger on both successful & failure animation end el.trigger('circle-animation-end'); }); }, /** * @protected * @returns {number} */ getThickness: function() { return $.isNumeric(this.thickness) ? this.thickness : this.size / 14; }, getValue: function() { return this.value; }, setValue: function(newValue) { if (this.animation) this.animationStartValue = this.lastFrameValue; this.value = newValue; this.draw(); } }; //-------------------------------------------- Initiating jQuery plugin -------------------------------------------- $.circleProgress = { // Default options (you may override them) defaults: CircleProgress.prototype }; // ease-in-out-cubic $.easing.circleProgressEasing = function(x, t, b, c, d) { if ((t /= d / 2) < 1) return c / 2 * t * t * t + b; return c / 2 * ((t -= 2) * t * t + 2) + b; }; /** * Draw animated circular progress bar. * * Appends <canvas> to the element or updates already appended one. * * If animated, throws 3 events: * * - circle-animation-start(jqEvent) * - circle-animation-progress(jqEvent, animationProgress, stepValue) - multiple event; * animationProgress: from 0.0 to 1.0; * stepValue: from 0.0 to value * - circle-animation-end(jqEvent) * * @param configOrCommand - Config object or command name * Example: { value: 0.75, size: 50, animation: false }; * you may set any public property (see above); * `animation` may be set to false; * you may use .circleProgress('widget') to get the canvas * you may use .circleProgress('value', newValue) to dynamically update the value * * @param commandArgument - Some commands (like 'value') may require an argument */ $.fn.circleProgress = function(configOrCommand, commandArgument) { var dataName = 'circle-progress', firstInstance = this.data(dataName); if (configOrCommand == 'widget') { if (!firstInstance) throw Error('Calling "widget" method on not initialized instance is forbidden'); return firstInstance.canvas; } if (configOrCommand == 'value') { if (!firstInstance) throw Error('Calling "value" method on not initialized instance is forbidden'); if (typeof commandArgument == 'undefined') { return firstInstance.getValue(); } else { var newValue = arguments[1]; return this.each(function() { $(this).data(dataName).setValue(newValue); }); } } return this.each(function() { var el = $(this), instance = el.data(dataName), config = $.isPlainObject(configOrCommand) ? configOrCommand : {}; if (instance) { instance.init(config); } else { var initialConfig = $.extend({}, el.data()); if (typeof initialConfig.fill == 'string') initialConfig.fill = JSON.parse(initialConfig.fill); if (typeof initialConfig.animation == 'string') initialConfig.animation = JSON.parse(initialConfig.animation); config = $.extend(initialConfig, config); config.el = el; instance = new CircleProgress(config); el.data(dataName, instance); } }); }; })(jQuery);